My children inspired me to become a photographer. Once they arrived, I couldn't seem to put the camera down!
Pictures are the keeper of memories. Moments tiny or momentous, all precious, all pieces of our individual stories. I love the opportunity my clients provide me to record a little piece of their story. I believe these images are treasures of priceless value.
We cannot make time stand still, but we can capture these beautiful memories as photographs which allow us to go back and visit..and remember...and relish these moments that make life worth living.
Melissa Brightman
I love coffee, potato chips, dark chocolate and DOGS. I named my business after my first beloved golden retriever, Sky.
A day spent on the water, on the slopes or in the garden is always a good one.
Time spent with family and friends is priceless and therefore I am forever documenting. I am definitely hooked on selfies because until I get a personal photographer to follow me around, these quick snaps lock in moments that are dear to me. I am realizing more and more that time flies. Years seem to pass in a blink. These images freeze moments that are so fleeting...the stuff of life I'm reminded to appreciate.